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MP3 singles directly from Mary's site (click here), or find them at major MP3 downloading sites like iTunes Mary Lafleur

Watch for updates on this site as the people who loved and admired Mary
work together to put more of her treasured work on CD and MP3.

Pink Elephants:
Song Riddles and Poetry
You May Remember Indefinitely
Young and old alike are welcome to "come on in" and sit by by the fire to share a few old, familiar stories, hear a new story with pirates, go on a train ride. The CD includes original songs and poetry written while Mary worked at Kare For Kids, a licensed family day care for homeless children in Nashville.
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More Pink Elephants:
Fairy Tale Songs And Poetry
Beginning with "Once upon a time," and ending with "All's Well That Ends Well," these tales are not fractured as some will no-doubt expect. Instead, they've merely been dusted off, tongue-in-cheek-like, with an eye for the humorous and the humane. The project is a sequel to Pink Elephants and was the result of the enthusiastic response to the story-songs and poetry on that tape.
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The Pet Project

The Pet Project includes orginal songs from both Campfire Kev Holladay and Mary Lafleur. It was recorded in four states over four months in the fall of 2005. Whether you're a librarian looking for materials to jazz up your Summer Reading Program, a teacher looking for new material for a unit on pets or animals, or a parent hoping to find great music for your kids, this CD might be just what you're looking for.
Awards and Reviews       Listen (and/or buy it) at CD Baby

NEW! Pink Elephants in Paris
This musical romp is a wonderful introduction to the French language and culture. It includes songs, riddles and poetry written, spoken and sung in both French and English and features native speakers during several sketches, including the witty "Learn To Speak French, Part 1" and "Learn To Speak French, Part 2".
    Listen (and/or buy it) at CD Baby

I Love My Day School
This video follows real children throughout their day in a real school, with twelve original songs by Mary Lafleur. Filmed in Tulsa, OK, it has become a hit with parents and children everywhere, and can be especially reassuring to children going off to preschool for the first time.
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