Three Billy Goats Gruff
Little brother billy goat, looking for food,
Starts to go across the bridge
And hears something rude.
There's a growl, and a howl:"Who's that trippin' over my bridge?
Say, who's that? Tell me who!
Who's trip, trappin' over my bridge?
Say, I'm gonna get you! Uh, huh!"
"Well I'm the little billy goat. You don't want me.
Wait for bigger billy goat. He's fine as can be."
There's a groan and a moan:
"I hate waitin' but I will,
'Cause I see somebody over the hill..."
Bigger brother billy goat, looking for food,
Starts to go across the bridge
And hears something rude.
There's a growl, and a howl:
"Who's that trippin' over my bridge?
Say who's that? Tell me who!
Who's trip, trappin' over my bridge?
Say, I'm gonna get you! Uh, huh!"
"Well I'm the bigger billy goat. You don't want me.
Wait for biggest billy goat. He's fat as can be."
There's a groan and a moan:
"I hate waitin' but I will,
'Cause I see somebody over the hill..."
Biggest brother billy goat, looking for food,
Starts to go across the bridge
And hears something rude.
There's a growl, and a howl:
"Who's that trippin' over my bridge?
Say who's that? Tell me who!
Who's trip, trappin' over my bridge?
Say, I'm gonna get you! Uh, huh!"
"Well I'm the biggest billy goat. You can't eat me.
'Cause I'm the meanest billy goat you ever did see!"
There's a fight, it's all right.
The goat crossed. The troll lost.
The End. Uh, huh. Uh, huh. Uh, huh.

All's Well That Ends Well
"All's well that ends well,"
So they say.
God bless you and protect you
Now and always.
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