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Pink Elephants in Paris
Bring Your Dog Along and join us for an enchanting trip to Paris, the City of Light. We'll feed the pigeons in the park, talk with some restless native speakers, visit a few museums and cathedrals, eat lots of bread and cheese, and learn a little French. It's typical Mary Lafleur whimsy, but tres educational!

Read more of the History (written by Mary)

On September 16, 1996 I had my first ever writer's day. I let the kids, the house, the world go and wrote all day. I had never done that!

But I had been reading some book (?) by Hemingway and he had spattered his mss with Spanish phrases. I guess something in brain went "I can do that," and I wrote the poem "What's You're Favorite Word in French?" I do have favorite words, and pourquois really is my favorite.

After I wrote the poem and a few more in French and English I got this crazy idea that I could do a project in French and English, although my college French was pretty rusty. When I announced the project in a newsletter a fan in Nashville offered to trade plane tickets for painting and Voila!

June 3rd, 1997, Lisa Kay and I winged our way to Germany to visit friends, see the sites, sing, and rest before we invaded Paris with our stuffed pink elephants and my old guitar. Mat Russell, an American Children's Performer who'd been in Paris 18 years, was our gracious host. Another new friend, Erzsi Deak, organized several concerts there, including one at the American Library in Paris!