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I wrote "Drip by Drip" while sitting in a history of literary criticism class at the University of North Dakota in 1982. It was raining and my mind was wandering and it just sort of wrote itself. (This was the first time I was in grad school. I'm sure I got a B in the course.)

I sent the poem off to Cricket and got a personal rejection letter. Was this good? They liked the poem, but not the last two lines: "Now I'm the wind/Now I'm the tree." I thought that part was rather poetic and wasn't sure I wanted to change it.

About eight years later I realized how to revise it and Voila, it was accepted by Cricket and appeared in the April, 1994 issue. It is one of my husband's favorite poems and he delights in reciting it to anyone who will listen, much to my chagrin.

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